Artistry of the Soul

Michelle Vrkic is a certified Shamanic Energy Practitioner who uses ancient techniques to tap into the spiritual realms of adults to allow them to create positive changes that can manifest in their physical world. Specialising in working with and transmuting inner child wounding, rebalancing the body’s own natural energy frequencies, helping awaken spiritual gifts, balance masculine and feminine energy, and assisting individuals stepping into their true purpose. 

Michelle also has a mission to help support the movement of spiritual emergence of children. Her Children’s Treasures Within empowerment workshops and 1:1 Art Therapy sessions guides children to practice and learn the journey of self-discovery. In working with the unconscious mind, it gives children the opportunity to express themselves in creative and non-linear ways, providing insights and deepening their personal healing. 

The purpose in offering services to both children and adults is to create a space where all individuals can feel the connectedness and sacredness of their heart and to further deepen their love within. Michelle has a strong connection to family structure and the community and considers the ability to work in this way a blessing. Michelle offers a deep level of authenticity and care for all individuals and their soul.

My Intention in working with children is to advocate the movement of spiritual emergence and awareness of each child’s inner self and discovery of their true potential. To further develop each child’s sense of self, so the feeling child, the social child, the creative child, can fully explore freely and discover the living beauty of childhood imagination. Each child has a natural ability to innately tap into their magic and their true state of essence. I will do everything in my power to protect, nurture and support them to further embody their gifts and what they are here to bring forth into the world.

My intention in working with adults is to help with their personal healing and spiritual journey. When you experience healing, deep nurturing and an inner peace feels like you are finally coming home. I provide a safe space for those that are willing to listen to their soul’s voice to help awaken them to deep transformation and change. It is our birthright to feel greater levels of magic, synchronicity, flow and to embrace more heart wisdom so that we can lead the life we desire. I will always support you in finding your truth, calling forth your soul expression and to find the freedom to allow you to truly live a life of joy and meaning.

Meet Michelle

In 2016, I had relocated from Sydney to the Gold Coast and reside in walking distance to my elixir, the beach… My daily walks along the beach offers me the time to process, connect in and find the inspiration that I need to create the life that truly resonates with me. I’ve been chasing the ocean my entire life, as it grounds me and being in close proximity to nature is food for my soul! 

My personal spiritual journey has manifested for over 18 years and I’m now delighted to share my offerings of soul medicine and heart wisdom to both children and adults. The different modalities I’ve learnt and have been formally certified include Shamanic Medicine, Crystal Healing, Art Therapy, Sand Play Therapy, Goddess Archetypes and ability to balance out the feminine and masculine energies. These are all elements that I have personally integrated and constantly applying in my own life. 

I also have a corporate background and as such the business mindset acquired during my tenure has provided for a strong foundation to create and work in the physical universe. Those skills have prepared me to move forward in creating my own business with a strong spiritual essence that’s run with integrity and honour. I believe we all have our purpose and once we are truly aligned with this it gives other people opportunities to find that within themselves. 

My love for children runs deep and I am extremely passionate about this area and also have a background in childcare, for which I am professionally qualified. This has led me to create programs in a workshop format that can create empowerment, self-discovery and mindfulness for children. I believe this part is missing in our community and I have a strong desire to create and show a new way of being with children. This can set up a framework that can weave in elements of embodying heart awareness and a positive mindset that can set children up for life.  

I’m extremely excited about my journey and being a part of yours. As we meet where you are and we move in an organic way, this retrospectively honours your unique rhythm of healing. As for me I’ll continue to listen to my inner voice that is always nudging me to understand truth, the spirit, the soul, and awakening to our inner strengths and powers within.



Shamanic Practitioner Level 1, 2, 3 (Adults Only)

Diploma of Art Therapy

Crystal Healing Practitioner

Diploma of Children’s Services